scotty.fun_general module#

Functions for Scotty (excluding functions for finding derivatives of H).

scotty.fun_general.K_magnitude(K_R, K_zeta, K_Z, q_R)#

Returns the magnitude of the wavevector \(\mathbf{K}\):

\[|K| = \sqrt{\mathbf{K}\cdot\mathbf{K}} = \sqrt{K_R^2 + (K_\zeta / q_R)^2 + K_Z^2}\]
Return type

Union[float, numpy.ndarray[Any, numpy.dtype[numpy.float64]]]


Convert angular frequency to wavenumber


angular_frequency (float) –

Return type


scotty.fun_general.apply_continuous_BC(q_R, q_Z, Psi_vacuum_3D, K_v_R, K_v_zeta, K_v_Z, delta_R, delta_Z, field, hamiltonian)#
scotty.fun_general.apply_discontinuous_BC(q_R, q_Z, Psi_vacuum_3D, K_v_R, K_v_zeta, K_v_Z, launch_angular_frequency, mode_flag, delta_R, delta_Z, field, hamiltonian, temperature=None)#
scotty.fun_general.contract_special(arg_a, arg_b)#

Dot product of arrays of vectors or matrices.

Covers the case that matmul and dot don’t do very elegantly, and avoids having to use a for loop to iterate over the array slices.

  • arg_a (numpy.ndarray[Any, numpy.dtype[numpy.float64]]) –

    One of:

    • matrix with shape TxMxN and a vector with TxN or TxM

    • two vectors of shape TxN

    For each T, independently compute the dot product of the matrices/vectors

  • arg_b (numpy.ndarray[Any, numpy.dtype[numpy.float64]]) –

    One of:

    • matrix with shape TxMxN and a vector with TxN or TxM

    • two vectors of shape TxN

    For each T, independently compute the dot product of the matrices/vectors

Return type

numpy.ndarray[Any, numpy.dtype[numpy.float64]]

scotty.fun_general.find_Booker_alpha(electron_density, B_Total, sin_theta_m_sq, launch_angular_frequency, temperature=None)#
scotty.fun_general.find_Booker_beta(electron_density, B_Total, sin_theta_m_sq, launch_angular_frequency, temperature=None)#
scotty.fun_general.find_Booker_gamma(electron_density, B_Total, launch_angular_frequency, temperature=None)#
scotty.fun_general.find_D(K_magnitude, launch_angular_frequency, epsilon_para, epsilon_perp, epsilon_g, theta_m)#
scotty.fun_general.find_H_Cardano(K_magnitude, launch_angular_frequency, epsilon_para, epsilon_perp, epsilon_g, theta_m)#
scotty.fun_general.find_H_numba(K_magnitude, electron_density, B_Total, sin_theta_m_sq, launch_angular_frequency, mode_flag, temperature)#
scotty.fun_general.find_K_lab(K_lab_Cartesian, q_lab_Cartesian)#
scotty.fun_general.find_K_lab_Cartesian(K_lab, q_lab)#
scotty.fun_general.find_K_plasma(q_R, K_v_R, K_v_zeta, K_v_Z, launch_angular_frequency, mode_flag, B_R, B_T, B_Z, electron_density_p, dpolflux_dR, dpolflux_dZ, temperature=None)#
scotty.fun_general.find_Psi_3D_lab(Psi_3D_lab_Cartesian, q_R, q_zeta, K_R, K_zeta)#

Converts Psi_3D from Cartesian to cylindrical coordinates, both in the lab frame (not the beam frame)

scotty.fun_general.find_Psi_3D_lab_Cartesian(Psi_3D_lab, q_R, q_zeta, K_R, K_zeta)#

Converts Psi_3D from cylindrical to Cartesian coordinates, both in the lab frame (not the beam frame) The shape of Psi_3D_lab must be either [3,3] or [numberOfDataPoints,3,3]

scotty.fun_general.find_Psi_3D_plasma_continuous(Psi_vacuum_3D, dH_dKR, dH_dKzeta, dH_dKZ, dH_dR, dH_dZ, d_poloidal_flux_d_R, d_poloidal_flux_d_Z)#
scotty.fun_general.find_Psi_3D_plasma_discontinuous(Psi_vacuum_3D, K_v_R, K_v_zeta, K_v_Z, K_p_R, K_p_zeta, K_p_Z, dH_dKR, dH_dKzeta, dH_dKZ, dH_dR, dH_dZ, dpolflux_dR, dpolflux_dZ, d2polflux_dR2, d2polflux_dZ2, d2polflux_dRdZ)#
scotty.fun_general.find_Rayleigh_length(waist, wavenumber)#
scotty.fun_general.find_ST_terms(tau_array, K_magnitude_array, k_perp_1_bs, g_magnitude_Cardano, g_magnitude_output, theta_m_output, M_w_inv_xx_output)#
scotty.fun_general.find_area_points(xs, ys, fraction_wanted)#

ys = f(xs)

Finds the maximum in ys, and finds an area around that Used to find localisation

Assume xs sorted in ascending order

scotty.fun_general.find_d2B_dR2_CFD(q_R, q_Z, delta_R, find_B_R, find_B_T, find_B_Z)#

Finds \(\frac{d^2 B}{d R^2}\), where B is the magnitude of the B field

scotty.fun_general.find_d2B_dR2_FFD(q_R, q_Z, delta_R, find_B_R, find_B_T, find_B_Z)#

Finds \(\frac{d^2 B}{d R^2}\), where B is the magnitude of the B field

scotty.fun_general.find_d2B_dR_dZ_FFD(q_R, q_Z, delta_R, delta_Z, find_B_R, find_B_T, find_B_Z)#
scotty.fun_general.find_d2B_dZ2_CFD(q_R, q_Z, delta_Z, find_B_R, find_B_T, find_B_Z)#
scotty.fun_general.find_d2B_dZ2_FFD(q_R, q_Z, delta_Z, find_B_R, find_B_T, find_B_Z)#
scotty.fun_general.find_dB_dR_CFD(q_R, q_Z, delta_R, find_B_R, find_B_T, find_B_Z)#

Finds \(\frac{d B}{d R}\), where B is the magnitude of the B field

scotty.fun_general.find_dB_dR_FFD(q_R, q_Z, delta_R, find_B_R, find_B_T, find_B_Z)#

Finds \(\frac{d B}{d Z}\), where B is the magnitude of the B field

scotty.fun_general.find_dB_dZ_CFD(q_R, q_Z, delta_Z, find_B_R, find_B_T, find_B_Z)#

Finds \(\frac{d B}{d Z}\), where B is the magnitude of the B field

scotty.fun_general.find_dB_dZ_FFD(q_R, q_Z, delta_Z, find_B_R, find_B_T, find_B_Z)#

Finds \(\frac{d B}{d Z}\), where B is the magnitude of the B field

scotty.fun_general.find_dbhat_dR(q_R, q_Z, delta_R, find_B_R, find_B_T, find_B_Z)#
scotty.fun_general.find_dbhat_dZ(q_R, q_Z, delta_Z, find_B_R, find_B_T, find_B_Z)#
scotty.fun_general.find_distance_from_waist(width, wavenumber, curvature)#

Implements first-order relativistic corrections to electron mass. Tmperature is an optional argument. If no argument is passed, returns standard electron mass as a scalar. When passed an array of temperatures, returns an array of relativistically-corrected electron masses.

Temperature needs to be in units of KeV.

scotty.fun_general.find_epsilon_g(electron_density, B_Total, launch_angular_frequency, temperature=None)#
scotty.fun_general.find_epsilon_para(electron_density, launch_angular_frequency, temperature=None)#
scotty.fun_general.find_epsilon_perp(electron_density, B_Total, launch_angular_frequency, temperature=None)#
scotty.fun_general.find_nearest(array, value)#

Returns the index of the first element in array closest in absolute value to value

Return type


scotty.fun_general.find_normalised_gyro_freq(B_Total, launch_angular_frequency, temperature=None)#
scotty.fun_general.find_normalised_plasma_freq(electron_density, launch_angular_frequency, temperature=None)#
scotty.fun_general.find_quick_output(ray_parameters_2D, K_zeta_initial, find_B_R, find_B_T, find_B_Z)#

Finds mismatch at cut-off location Cut-off location where K is minimised

scotty.fun_general.find_vec_lab_Cartesian(vec_lab, q_zeta)#
scotty.fun_general.find_waist(width, wavenumber, curvature)#
scotty.fun_general.find_widths_and_curvatures(Psi_xx, Psi_xy, Psi_yy, K_magnitude, theta_m, theta)#

Calculates beam widths and curvatures from components of Psi_w

Equations (15) and (16) of VH Hall-Chen et al., PPCF (2022)

  • Psi_xx (TYPE) – DESCRIPTION.

  • Psi_xy (TYPE) – DESCRIPTION.

  • Psi_yy (TYPE) – DESCRIPTION.

  • K_magnitude (TYPE) – DESCRIPTION.

  • theta_m (TYPE) – Mismatch angle, in radians. Equation (109) of the above paper

  • theta (TYPE) – Equation (107) of the above paper.


  • widths (TYPE) – DESCRIPTION.

  • Psi_w_imag_eigvecs (TYPE) – DESCRIPTION.

  • curvatures (TYPE) – DESCRIPTION.

  • Psi_w_real_eigvecs (TYPE) – DESCRIPTION.

scotty.fun_general.find_x0(xs, ys, y0)#

xs,ys are the x and y coordinates of a line on a plane Finds the value of x corresponding to a certain y0 This implementation is silly but I am impatient and want to move on to other things quickly


Convert frequency in GHz to angular frequency


freq_GHz (float) –

Return type



Converts frequency in GHz to wavenumber


freq_GHz (float) –

Return type


scotty.fun_general.genray_angles_from_mirror_angles(rot_ang_deg, tilt_ang_deg, offset_for_window_norm_to_R=3.0)#

Compute the GENRAY-equivalent angles from mirror angles

rot_ang_deg = 0, tilt_ang_deg = 0 implies beam propagates in negative window normal direction.

Can get from rot_ang_deg, tilt_ang_deg by using toroidal and poloidal “genray angles” (tor_ang, pol_ang) in IDL savefile log. The angles were calculated according to the logic:

tor_ang = 3.0 - rot_ang_deg
pol_ang = tilt_ang_deg
Return type

Tuple[Union[float, numpy.ndarray[Any, numpy.dtype[numpy.float64]]], Union[float, numpy.ndarray[Any, numpy.dtype[numpy.float64]]]]


Convert a 2x2 array into a 3x3 by appending zeros on the outside:

\[\begin{split}\begin{pmatrix} a & b \\ c & d \\ \end{pmatrix} \Rightarrow \begin{pmatrix} a & b & 0 \\ c & d & 0 \\ 0 & 0 & 0 \\ \end{pmatrix}\end{split}\]
scotty.fun_general.make_unit_vector_from_cross_product(vector_a, vector_b)#

Assume np.shape(vector_a) = np.shape(vector_b) = (n,3) or np.shape(vector_a) = (n,3) , np.shape(vector_b) = (3)

scotty.fun_general.mirrornorm_make(r, t)#

makes norm vector for mirror directly using angles in radians

scotty.fun_general.mirrornorm_make_with_rot_tilt_operators(r, t)#

makes norm vector for mirror using rot and tilt operators given angles in radians

scotty.fun_general.modify_beam(width, curvature, freq_GHz, z0_shift, w0_shift)#

positive z0_shift moves the waist in the direction of -infinity

scotty.fun_general.propagate_beam(Psi_w_initial_cartesian, propagation_distance, freq_GHz)#

Uses the vacuum solution of the beam tracing equations to propagate the beam Works for arbitrary Gaussian beam in vacuum

scotty.fun_general.propagate_circular_beam(width, curvature, propagation_distance, freq_GHz)#

w0 : Width of beam waist

scotty.fun_general.read_floats_into_list_until(terminator, lines)#

Reads the lines of a file until the string (terminator) is read.

Currently used to read topfile.

Written by NE Bricknell

Return type

numpy.ndarray[Any, numpy.dtype[numpy.float64]]

scotty.fun_general.reflector_make(r, t)#

makes relector matrix for mirror using angles in radians


makes relector matrix for mirror using norm vector for mirror


rotates R ([1,0,0]) into T ([0,1,0]) using angle in radians


tilts R ([1,0,0]) in to Z ([0,0,1]) using angle in radians


tilts T ([1,0,0]) in to Z ([0,0,1]) using angle in radians

scotty.fun_general.use_deg_args(func, *args, **kwargs)#

transform args from degrees to radians before calling